Favorite Camping Memory

I was recently going through the garage getting the camping gear together for an upcoming trip and was just flooded with memories from my childhood. Some noise brought me back to reality and I realized with a chuckle a tear had formed in my eye. That is how strong the memories of camping are for me.

This one memory of camping was so fun I thought I would share it with you.

I was just a young boy, maybe 8 or 10 years old. My family often went camping. My dad loved to hunt and fish. One of my favorite destinations was the beach. The surf, the waves, the breeze, it was a whole different world. There was so much to explore and feel and touch. Camping at the beach will always be my favorite memories.

This camping trip was especially memorable. It was a day unlike any other. We arrived at the beach and frantically chose a spot for the tent. Dad was anxious to get in the water and start fishing. I was just anxious to get in the water. The day was full of adventure and after a long day we finally snuggled into our sleeping bags. Camping at the beach was great because you could always hear the roar of the waves. This night the waves seemed closer than usual I thought as I dozed off.

I awoke in the middle of the night with waves crashing inside the tent. The full moon had caused an extremely high tide and the tent was engulfed with water. I awoke to screaming and commotion and fell right off my sleeping bag down into the cold water. I rose to my knees just in time to catch a wave right in the face. I laughed aloud at the same time I screamed.

It was the absolute funniest thing you have ever seen. This camping trip to the beach was hilarious. Mom and Dad running around screaming as the sleeping bags and camping gear were floating away on the waves. I ran and jumped with glee. I laughed until I cried. It was the funniest thing I will ever remember in my life.

I dont remember much else about that camping trip. I am not sure if we stayed or went home. I will just never forget that gleeful night under the stars with waves crashing into the tent. This truly was one of those great camping moments. Over the years there were many, but this one will always be my favorite.

So what is your favorite camping trip?


Seven Easy Steps For Parents or Teachers to Help Teach

Seven Easy Steps For Parents or Teachers to Help Teach Children, Ages Three To Six

My name is Scott Waring and I am an American teacher in Taiwan with a BA in Elementary Education and a MS in 뉴토끼 Counseling Education. I have learned a lot about teaching, but it wasn't until I met my Taiwanese wife at Idaho State University and we moved to Taiwan where we opened a school, that I learned teaching to children from three to six was not just possible, but beyond anything I ever expected. I have also published two novels for kids, "George's Pond" and "West's Time Machine" being sold at all on-line stores. My wife and I currently own a school that has 150 students, fifty of which are ages 3-6 years' old.

Psychology and Education magazines often site that in every person's life, there is a time when the brain is more susceptible to learning, making learning easier and faster. The time that they are speaking of is between ages three and six years of age. A human will never learn as easily or as fast ever again past that age. This applies for everyone, and although I have not benefited from such early education myself, in six more months my son will, when he starts in our three year old class that teaches four solid hours of teaching a day, five 툰코 days a week. In our school we have a motto; "Work Now, Play Later." But really they play in-between the classes. In this way we teach the students so much by age seven that when they start Elementary school, they find that everything is easy, while other students who have never benefited from learning before elementary, end up struggling along through the class, working much harder and not getting as far as the students that benefited from early learning. Now let me show you some easy steps that we use in our classes when they are age three to six.

1. Don't listen to other adults when they say students can only learn for ten to fifteen minutes! That's wrong in so many ways, and yet right in one way. You should teach them a full 45-60 minutes without stop, but every 15 minutes you should change the style of your teaching and change what words, math games, or items that you want you child to learn. For example: 15 min teaching English Vocabulary, 15 minutes teaching numbers, 15 minutes teaching letters, 15 minutes teaching writing letters (harder and takes patience at age 3).

2. Be creative in your teaching! This means if you are teaching at home, then sit next to the toy box and begin teaching the child the name of each toy, but remember to repeat it, so that the child hears you say it two times. This is especially good at teaching words like (Bulldozer, Ambulance, Police car, fire engine, race car, motorcycle, animals, Colors (very fun), and much more. There is a world of learning within the toy box and those are things the 웹툰미리보기 child sees everyday and relates to a lot, so those words you teach will be very useful and constantly used. Keep this repetition up everyday until the child knows it in a few weeks, then move on to something more challenging, but don't forget to review a little everyday of the old lessons!

3. Teach With Enthusiasm. Start with using your voice and then work up to cute mannerisms (acting). If you sound excited about teaching it, then the child will be excited to learn. The child is the reflection of the teacher, they reflect back what they see before them, so be cautious of what you say, you could be teaching things that you never intended or wanted too. It was Dr. Norman Peale that said "Enthusiasm sharpens a students mind and improves their problem solving abilities."

4. Make Sure The Child Follows Along: Teaching reading without teaching sounding words out is possible and I've been teaching that way to students for over ten years. Age three to four will have to start leaning words written on flash cards, hand made is fine. Find an easy story book you like and take 50-100 words starting out. You don't need a picture on the back, it wastes your time and doesn't make them learn faster, but like earlier you have to hold the card up and repeat the word two times, but will all you repetition, the child must always repeat two times (you say "Them", student says "Them". You say "Them" again, students says "Them" again.). Use this repetition for all teaching starting out for first year or more. New words you may teach might be (this, that, those, to, a, an, apple, banana, run, Jack, Jane, grass, house, tree, kite, toys and so on). When teaching vocabulary, find a good picture dictionary for small kids, use it and use the repetition while you teach it, also have the child follow with one finger on the picture at all times. Don't teach phonics for the first 6-12 months, this way they feel less scared of it and it comes much easier.

5. Make Sure They Speak: If you are teaching vocabulary words on cards, then hold one up (the word "Flowers") and ask, "Okay, what color are the flowers?" or "Where are the flowers?" and see where the child goes with it, it reinforces the memory of the word flowers in their thoughts, but keep them focused on the task at hand, no wandering.

6. Teach numbers, addition, and subtraction: This is the easiest thing of all to teach. Go to the crayon box and take it to use in this lesson. Sit down on the floor; (all my students learn best there) face the student and take ten crayons out of any color. Then hold them in your hand, placing three on the floor. Say, "Let's count them! Ready? One…Two…Three!" sound excited and do it slowly! Then see if the student wants to try, if not, you do a different number. Keep doing math this way using crayons, toys, balls, candy (yum-yum) or other items, until it's too easy and they want more. You can teach them up to 100, really it's true! But only if you believe in them as a teacher and believe in yourself. Move off to putting five crayons down and counting them, then take two away and count them again. Let the student try. Also, if your child likes drawing, instead of items, use paper and draw the number 4, then make four circles (or apples and so on). Do this for all numbers and let the child use a finger to point at them one by one as the student counts them. Great for teaching addition and subtraction.

7. Make Teaching A Routine: Kids fall into a routine much easier than adults and so you need to use the same time every day to teach them. Here is our class schedule for teaching three to six year olds.

9-10:00 AM: English speaking
10-10:30: Break and play
10:30-11:30: Math
11:30-12:30: Lunch and play
2:00-3:00: Writing/letters for 3 year olds, words for 4, but one page diaries for 6 year olds.
3:30-4:30: Reading/Vocabulary

Making a routine is detrimental to learning! Without this key element, you will not succeed in teaching the student for long. If at home, you must discipline yourself to teaching at certain hour everyday. This allows you and your child to fall into a comfortable routine, without chaos.

What have my students learned you ask? Well by the time they reach the age of 6-7 years old, they have been taking classes in my school for about 3 years. That means they have gained a vocabulary of over 3000+ English words (Remember they are Taiwanese so they start with not knowing any English at all), using a 1000 word picture dictionary series. Also they can add and subtract without using their fingers, but instead look at the board and answer quickly. They also start at six years old at learning writing and vocabulary in Chinese. By six, the students must write a one page diary everyday, with beautiful writing (about 50-70 words). Also they are capable of reading at a second graders level and use phonics to sound out words that they don't know.

By taking the time to teach you child early on, it will create a positive study habit for the student and make future learning easier by already having experienced learning in a structured environment. We teach and we learn along the way, both student and teacher. It's a wonderful process of personal growth for all involved!

Lose Weight by Eating More — Food that is Virtually

Lose Weight by Eating More — Food that is Virtually Impossible to Store as Body Fat

Certain foods are extremely difficult for the human body to convert into body fat not impossible but damned near impossible. By consuming calories derived from these foods, the anabolic margin of error is extended dramatically, which means it will be easier to lose fat and gain muscle, if you choose.

Lean protein, protein devoid of saturated fat, has been the staple, the bedrock nutrient of elite athletes for 50 years. Why? You can eat a mountain of lean protein and not get fat assuming you train with intensity sufficient enough to trigger muscle growth. Lean protein is difficult for the body to break down and digest. As a direct result of this digestive difficulty, the body kicks the metabolic thermostat upward to break protein down into subcomponent amino acids.

The human body wants to preserve stored body fat as a last line of defense against starvation. If overworked and under-fed, the body will preferentially eat muscle tissue to save precious body fat.

Obese people that go on crash diets, precipitously slashing calories, might lose 100-pounds of body weight, yet still appear fat. Despite losing from say 350-pounds to 250-pounds, they still appear fat because they still are fat. The body has cannibalized muscle tissue and saved the fat. Though they might weigh 100-pounds less, they still possess 25-40% body fat percentile.

Lean protein is the bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it supplies muscle tissue battered by a high intensity weight workout with the amino acids needed to heal, recover and construct new muscle tissue. Lean protein is a bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it causes the basal metabolic rate (BMR) to elevate; the metabolic thermostat, the rate at which our body consumes calories, increases when digesting protein. Lean protein is a bedrock nutrient in the physical renovation process because it is damned near impossible for the body to convert it into body fat.

The other bedrock nutrient in the physical transformation process is fibrous carbohydrates: carrots, broccoli, green beans, bell peppers, spinach, cauliflower, onions, asparagus, cabbage, salad greens, Brussels sprouts and the like. Fibrous carbohydrates, like lean protein, are nearly impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Fibrous carbohydrates require almost as many calories to digest as they contain. A green bean or carrot might contain 10-calories yet is so dense and difficult to break down that the body has to expend nearly as many calories to break down that bean or carrot as the vegetable contains.

Fibrous carbohydrates have a wonderful “Roto-Rooter” effect on the internal plumbing: as they work their way though the digestive passageways they scrape mucus and gunk off intestinal walls and help keep sludge buildup to a minimum. For this reason fibrous carbohydrates are the perfect compliment to a lean protein diet. Too much protein can cause bile buildup: fiber is the Yin to proteins Yang. The two nutrients should be eaten together.

Both protein and fiber have a beneficial dampening effect on insulin secretions. It is no accident that professional bodybuilders, the worlds best dieters, capable of reducing body fat percentiles to 5% while maintaining incredible muscle mass, construct their eating regimen around protein and fiber.

The best way to eat is to eat often. If you eat 3,000 calories a day the best way is in five 600-calorie feeding or six 500-calorie feedings instead of a breakfast containing 400-calories, a lunch of 1000-calories and a late dinner of 1,600-calories. Avoid calories easily converted into body fat.

Eat multiple small meals in the 400-600 calorie range comprised exclusively of foods near impossible for the body to convert into body fat. Plus, these foods cause the metabolism, the BMR, the body thermostat to elevate in order to digest them. Optimally you should eat every three hours: in about the time the nutrients from the previous meal have dwindled, been expended and exhausted, in about the time the elevated metabolism is settling back down to normal, eat another small protein/fiber meal. This reestablishes anabolism, kicks the metabolism upward once again and gives the body more practice at assimilating and distributing quality nutrients.

They say practice makes perfect and by eating small, power-packed, tough to digest meals every three hours, the metabolism is kept elevated, anabolism is established and maintained and the individual never feels hungry. A person who is not hungry is far less inclined to binge on sweets and treats, junk and trash then the crash diet/calorie cutters who always feel 탈모치료 hungry, deprived, listless and lacking energy.

The small meal/protein/fiber approach has been used successfully by elite athletes for decades and is not some untried dietary abstraction rather it is the proven method of choice, one that has withstood the test of time, one that has been used for decades and been proven effective time after time.

If a person is able to establish a multiple meal schedule comprised primarily of lean protein and fiber eaten every three hours, then adds to this eating schedule some serious weight training and a cardiovascular regimen, physical transformation is a biological certainty.

The exact cure for Bad Breath

The precise cure for Bad Breath

If you are looking for a cure for bad breath, you will need to inspect the reasons of the bad breath first to sort it out efficiently. Bad breath is an ordinary state that has an effect on one in four people and it is important to recognize that there is a cure and bad breath could be treated successfully.

There are lots of causes of bad breath as well as oral bacteria, foods, smoking, dentures, and dry mouth. All of those diverse causes of bad breath will be related to either chronic or short-term bad breath. You will get a cure for bad breath for all of these circumstances.

Oral Microorganisms

Oral bacteria is one of the most common reasons of chronic bad breath and could be eliminated through normal brushing and flossing of your teeth and regular brushing or scraping of your tongue. Oral bacterial lives in your mouth and seems to favor the tongue as one of its preferred hiding spots. You should free your mouth from food particles and plaque in order that bacteria cannot prosper in your mouth. When you use a regular brushing and flossing routine, you can get rid of oral bacteria and bad breath from your life.

Food Related Bad Breath

Foods such as onions and garlic will be the source for temporary bad breath and it is suggested that you eat a sprig of parsley, cloves, fennel seeds or peppermint to cover the smell. The stink cannot be eliminated since it creates in your intestinal tract and you should wait a day for the smell to leave your body naturally.

Smoking Related Bad Breath

Smoking brings about chronic bad breath from the smell of the tobacco and as it leaves your gums and teeth prone to gum illness which causes bad breath. To prevent the hazard of mouth and gum disease and bad breath caused by smoking, it is suggested that you quit smoking.

Bad Breath and Dentures

Dentures can cause chronic bad breath when the dentures are not cleaned frequently and properly. Food particles will be caught in the appliances and if not the 탈모치료 dentures are washed regularly, the food particles will facilitate oral bacteria thrive in your mouth.

Dry Mouth Related Bad Breath

Dry mouth is a state that will cause temporary or chronic bad breath as moisture assists to clean the tissues of the mouth. If the mouth is too dry, bacteria cannot be moved away from the mouth. You could drink the suggested daily amount of water and juices to replenish the moisture in your mouth tissues and this will help out to flush out oral bacteria. Brushing and flossing have to be often continued when a dry mouth state is current to prevent bad breath.

If you desire to find a cure for bad breath, you should match the remedy to the cause of the bad breath. When you have found a cure for bad breath that works for you, you will feel like it is a new beginning.

How to Improve your Odds in the Casinos

One of the most important things to remember when playing in a land based casino is that the layout of the casino is designed to pull you into the games with the worst player odds. To help pull you further into the casino the casinos will usually use the bells and whistles of slot machines, and video poker games.

This may make you think that the slot machines on the way to the blackjack, poker, roulette and craps tables are the ones to play, but this is usually not the case.

The casinos will place some loose machines in the area leading to these games so that you will hear the bells ad look up and see the flashing light from the winning machines, and when you look you will 콘텐츠이용료현금화 see the table gamming areas of the casino.

This method puts the thought of wining and table games into your mind together making you think you can win at the table games. The truth is that your chances of going home from the casinos a millionaire is only likely if you walked into the casino as a millionaire.

This does not mean you can not go home with more money in your pockets then when you entered the casino or online casino. It only means that you need to be smarter and not fall for the casinos tricks.

Most people come to casinos knowing just the basics to the most popular casino games played today. Everyone knows how to play Blackjack, but there is more to the game then just trying to get your cards close to 21 without going over.

So by studying one game and spending all your time on that game you will be increasing your skills at the game and you will soon see that the basics are not enough when you are playing for money, especially if you want to win.

Pick a casino game that you enjoy because this is going to be your game, and you are going to spend a lot of time practicing and learning about the game. Then spend as much of your free time as you can, playing the game.

There are many online casinos and web sites that offer you the option of playing poker, or blackjack for free and also offer different variations of the game. This will allow you to get plenty or practice against a computer and other people before risking your money in a casino.

Try to pick a table with other knowledgeable players. Playing a game like poker or blackjack at a table full of amateurs will put you at a disadvantage, but at the same time you do not want to pick a table where you are the worst player no matter how good you are.

It is recommended that before sitting at any card game in a casino or an online casino that you watch a few hands to help judge the skills of the other players.

The longer you play and the more your skill increases you will be amazed at how much more money you are leaving the casinos with.

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